Partnerships for cooperation in adult education

This action enables participating organisations to gain experience in international cooperation and to strengthen their capacities, but also to produce high-quality innovative deliverables.

What types of activities are supported in these projects?

Organisations have the flexibility to choose the best combination that contributes to reaching the project’s objectives in relation to its scope and in proportion to the capacities of the partnership.

These activities refer to the implementation of project activities (networking events, meetings, conferences, working sessions to to exchange practices and to develop results, staff and learner trainings etc.), project management and promotion activities.

Are there specific areas or topics these projects should address?

Projects are required to frame their activities within one or more priorities, which are prescribed annually by the European Commission, and to choose them at the application stage.

In the 2023 Call for proposals, Partnerships for Cooperation must address at least one priority from the list you can find bellow.

In addition, national agencies responsible for managing the Erasmus+ Programme may identify one or more of these European priorities as particularly relevant for the national context.

Additional aspects

In addition to the formal criteria, project proposals should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Environment and sustainability – projects should encourage all participants to learn and discuss the issues related to the environment, as well as to find alternative, greener ways of implementing project activities.
  • Inclusion and diversity – organisations should devise accessible and inclusive project activities, taking into account the needs, as well as the opinions of participants with fewer opportunities.
  • Digital dimension – virtual cooperation as well as experimenting with virtual or blended learning possibilities is encouraged.
  • Common values, civic engagement and participation: The Programme will support active citizenship and ethics in lifelong learning; it will foster the development of social and intercultural competences, critical thinking and media literacy.
Types of projects

Depending on the project objectives, participating organisation and the expected impact, these projects can be of different sizes and scope. Accordingly, there are two types of partnerships:

  • Cooperation Partnerships in Adult Education
  • Small-scale Partnerships in Adult Education