Partnerships for cooperation in the field of sport

Cooperation partnerships in the field of sport are cooperation projects aimed at achieving the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme in the field of sport as well as implementing key EU sport policy documents, such as the EU Work Plan for Sport (2021-2024) and the EU Council Recommendation on promoting Health enhancing physical activity across sectors. In these international projects, different types of organizations active in the field of sports, as well as organizations in the field of education, training, youth, and other sectors can cooperate on a certain common topic.

The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas. They aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level. Results should be re-usable, transferable, up scalable and, if possible, have a strong transdisciplinary dimension. Selected projects will be expected to share the results of their activities at local, regional, national level and transnational level.

Partnerships for cooperation in the field of sport

Cooperation partnerships in the field of sport are cooperation projects aimed at achieving the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme in the field of sport as well as implementing key EU sport policy documents, such as the EU Work Plan for Sport (2021-2024) and the EU Council Recommendation on promoting Health enhancing physical activity across sectors. In these international projects, different types of organizations active in the field of sports, as well as organizations in the field of education, training, youth, and other sectors can cooperate on a certain common topic.

The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas. They aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level. Results should be re-usable, transferable, up scalable and, if possible, have a strong transdisciplinary dimension. Selected projects will be expected to share the results of their activities at local, regional, national level and transnational level.

Horizontal and sport specific priorities

These projects also aim to contribute to achieving one or more of the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme. Priorities for different areas are set by the European Commission, each year for a General call for Erasmus+ project proposals. The priorities of Cooperation partnerships in the field of sport can be horizontal (general, common to all sectors of the programme) and/or specific for the field of sports, and each project must be subsumed under one or more of priorities in the application phase.

When formulating project proposals, it is recommended to consult the results of previously funded projects that had the same or similar priorities, to ensure consistency, avoid duplication, build on existing results and contribute to joint development in different areas.

Horizontal priorities


  • inclusion and diversity in all areas of education, training, youth and sports,
  • environment and fight against climate change,
  • addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity,
  • common values, civic engagement and participation.

Specific priorities in the field of sport

  • Encouraging the participation in sport and physical activity: projects under this priority will focus mainly on a) the implementation of the Council Recommendation on health-enhancing physical activity, the EU Physical Activity Guidelines and the Tartu Call for a Healthy Lifestyle b) the support to the implementation of the European Weeks of Sport c) the promotion of sport and physical activity as a tool for health c) the promotion of all activities encouraging the practice of sport and physical activity including traditional sport and games and intergenerational sport.
  • Promoting integrity and values in sport: projects under this priority will focus mainly on a) combating the usage of doping b) combating match fixing and corruption in sport c) improving good governance in sport and d) promoting the positive values of sport.
  • Promoting education in and through sport: projects under this priority will focus mainly on a) supporting skills development in sport, b) encouraging Dual Careers of Athletes c) promoting the quality of coaching and staff d) using mobility as a tool for improving qualifications e) promoting employability through sport.
  • Combating violence and tackling racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport and tackling violent radicalisation: projects under this priority will focus mainly on combating those behaviours that may have a negative influence over the practice of sport and society more in general. Projects will contribute to the fight of any form of discrimination and promote equality in sport, including gender equality.
Whom and how to apply?

Project proposals can be submitted electronically to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). The call for proposals, with project documentation and instructions, is published on the Funding & tender opportunities portal  of the European Commission.

The same consortium (the partnership composed of the same organizations) can submit only one proposal of the Cooperation partnership project in the same deadline.

To generate an electronic project application form, it is necessary to have a registered EU Login account, while to fill in the form, it is necessary that the applicant organization, as well as project partners, have a registered PIC number.

Duration of the project

These projects can last from 12 to 36 months. The duration of the project is defined in the application stage. 

Who selects the projects and by which criteria?

The EACEA Executive Agency is responsible for the selection, contracting, financing and monitoring of these projects.

The selection includes an assessment of the fulfilment of formal requirements, and then a qualitative assessment that is performed on the basis of 4 groups of criteria defined on pages 181-182 of Erasmus+ Programme Guide:

  • Relevance
  • Quality of the project design and implementation
  • Quality of the partnership and the cooperation arrangements
  • Impact
Which activities are typically carried out by Cooperation partnership?

Over the lifetime of a project, organisations may typically carry out a broad range of activities. From traditional activities to more creative and innovative ones, organisations have the flexibility to choose the best combination that contributes to reaching the project’s objectives in relation to its scope and in proportion to the capacities of the partnership. For example:

  • Project management: activities that are necessary to ensure the adequate planning, implementation and follow-up of the projects, including smooth and efficient collaboration between project partners. In this phase, activities typically include organisational and administrative tasks, virtual meetings among partners, preparation of communication materials, preparation and follow-up of participants taking part in activities, etc.
  • Implementation activities: can include networking events, meetings, working sessions to exchange practices and to develop results. These activities may also involve the participation of staff and learners (provided that their participation contributes to the achievement of project objectives).
  • Sharing and promotion activities: organisation of conferences, sessions, events aimed at sharing, explaining and promoting the results of the project, whether they are in the form of tangible results, conclusions, good practices or any other form.
What is the budget of the project?

The proposed funding model consists of a menu of 3 single lump sums, corresponding to the total grant amount for the project: 120 000 EUR, 250 000 EUR and 400 000 EUR. Applicants will choose between the 3 pre-defined amounts according to the activities they want to undertake and the results they want to achieve.

When planning their projects, the applicant organisations – together with their project partners – will need to choose the single lump sum amount more appropriate to cover the costs of their projects, based on their needs and objectives. If the project is selected for funding, the requested lump sum amount becomes the overall grant amount. Proposals must describe the activities that applicants commit to carry out with the lump sum amount requested and must satisfy the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

The total budget refers to all organizations participating in the project and is divided to individual organizations in accordance with the project activities expected to be implemented by each of them.