Fields of expertise: Capacity building & quality assurance for HEIs, ICT, Research

Dr. Tamar Lominadze is a Deputy Rector of Georgian Technical Unviersity and a Chairperson of Higher Education Program Accreditaion Board in Georgia. She defended her PhD degree in 2005, in the filed of Informatics, in particular, in Operation Research. Tamar Lominadze is a scholarship holder of the Weiser Foundation, USA. Since 2022, Tamar is a MC member of the European Network for International Mobility: “Connecting Research and Practice (ENIS)”, and since 2023, a member of the review panel of COST Action. In 2023, Tamar Lominadze was awarded the Gold Medal of the Technical University of Georgia for his special services to the University. In the same year, he received the certificate of honor of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia “for scientific achievements in the field of technology”.