ახალგაზრდული სექტორი  -KA2 – 2024 წლის შედეგები

NOAction TypePartner / COOCall YearProject TitleCOO organisation nameCOO CountryGeorgian participantEU Grant
1Capacity Building in the field of YouthPartner2024SYWOR – Stronger Together: Strengthening Youth Workers and Organisations for Displaced Youth Integration and ResilienceYoung Agents of ChangeUkraine1. KARTVELI AKHALGAZRDEBIS GANVITAREBIS ASOTSIATSIA 🇬🇪 Georgia€300,000
2Capacity Building in the field of YouthPartner2024Innovators Lab – InnovatorsLab: Gen Z’s Game-Based Peace BuildingSDRUZHENIE ALTERNATIVI INTERNATIONALBulgaria1. YOUTH FOR PEACE AND EQUALITY 🇬🇪 Georgia€228,280
3Capacity Building in the field of YouthPartner2024EmpowerYouth: Enabling Youth Organizations to Shape Decision-Making on Issues that Matter Most to Young PeopleASOCIATIA CENTRUL ROMAN DE POLITICI EUROPENERomania1. ASSOCIATION ATINATI 🇬🇪 Georgia€296,701
4Capacity Building in the field of YouthPartner2024CB-ILM – Capacity building in the field of international non-formal learning mobility
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5Capacity Building in the field of YouthPartner2024ELITE – Educational Leadership Institute – Training EngagersFUNDACJA AGENCJI ZYDOWSKIEJ SOCHNUTPoland1. SAMTSKHE-JAVAKHETI STATE UNIVERSITY 🇬🇪 Georgia€298,220
6Capacity Building in the field of YouthPartner2024PACT – Psychological First Aid & Creative TechnicsACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI DI NAPOLIItaly1. KARTVELI AKHALGAZRDEBIS GANVITAREBIS ASOTSIATSIA 🇬🇪 Georgia€299,822
7Capacity Building in the field of YouthPartner2024CivicArt: Capacity-Building for Art-Based Civic EducationREHIONALNYJ BLAHODIJNYJ FOND REZONANSUkraine1. Gergart 🇬🇪 Georgia€210,087
8Capacity Building in the field of YouthPartner2024ITG – InTechGrowth: Nowe Pomysły, Nowe Technologie, Nowe PokolenieFUNDACJA HEKET: HUMANS, EXPERIENCE,KNOWLEDGE, EDUCATION, TRAININGPoland1. Association of Business Consulting Organizations of Georgia 🇬🇪 Georgia€290,427
9Capacity Building in the field of YouthCOO2024YES – Youth Employability SkillsLEGAL ENTITY OF PUBLIC LAW YOUTH AGENCYGeorgiaNA€298,605
10Cooperation partnerships in youthPartner2024Embrace, Empower, Engage: Cultivating Conflict Sensitivity and Trauma Responsiveness in Peace EducationCorridors – Dialogue through Cooperation gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)Germany1. The Institute for the Study of Nationalism and Conflict (ISNC) 🇬🇪 Georgia€250,000
11Cooperation partnerships in youthPartner2024Youth seeds for a just transitionLigue de l’Enseignement Nouvelle AquitaineFrance1. Youth Agency 🇬🇪 Georgia€400,000
12Cooperation partnerships in youthPartner2024Peace Education in Action: Creating Sustainable FuturesMONDO MTU – NGO MONDOEstonia1. World of Tolerance 🇬🇪 Georgia€400,000

ახალგაზრდული სექტორი  -KA1 – 2024 წლის შედეგები

NAction TypeCall YearProject TitleCoordinating organisation nameCoordinator’s countryEU Grant
1Mobility of young people2024“WE” greater than “I”FUNDACJA ROZWOJU SPOLECZENSTWA PRZEDSIEBIORCZEGOPL€36,472
2Mobility of young people2024Let’s get down to Eco-businessFUNDACJA ROZWOJU SPOLECZENSTWA PRZEDSIEBIORCZEGOPL€31,804
3Mobility of youth workers2024Жестов език за приобщаваща младежка работа с уязвими млади хораInstitut za kulturno nasledstvoBG€41,298
4Mobility of young people2024PROMOTING PEACE AWARENESS AMONGST YOUTHSyou mediaIT€36,995
5Mobility of youth workers2024Non formal education activities to engage NEETs into SDG´sYouthProAktiv SpainES€26,271
6Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education and Youth2024Acquiring Transversal Competences through Virtual VoyagesUNIVERSITATEA AUREL VLAICU DIN ARADRO€395,675
7Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education and Youth2024EYCP – European Youth – Connection PRogrammeSTOWARZYSZENIE EUROPE 4 YOUTHPL€171,026
8Mobility of youth workers2024Blocks to buildCentre Départemental Information JeunesseFR€16,731
9Mobility of young people2024ReThinkEurosolar Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l.LU€37,428
10Mobility of young people2024” Youth Voices Against Alcoholism”Organization for Promotion of European IssuesCY€44,540
11Mobility of youth workers2024Nurturing Hearts – An Approach to Non-Formal Education in Youth WorkNational Federation of Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco MaltaMT€25,292
12Mobility of young people2024Business skills for a better lifeProactive Network z.s.CZ€31,329
13Mobility of young people2024Harmony in Mindfulness and MotionSzukamy TalentówPL€25,539
14Mobility of youth workers2024Lead your lifeLydille Lang – transcultureFR€39,730
15Mobility of young people2024YouthConnect: Building Bridges for Tomorrow’s LeadersMladiinfo ČR, z.s.CZ€17,760
16Mobility of young people2024Decode your reality: anti fake news projectLigue de l’enseignement des Côtes d’ArmorFR€30,268
17Mobility of young people2024Youthful Well-BeingMTÜ Türi Lastekaitse ÜhingEE€50,732
18Mobility of young people2024Take a Look InsideMind BalancePL€24,656
19Youth participation activities2024Reflection and Innovation: 30 years of EuropeEuropean Youth Parliament Finland – EYP Finland ryFI€58,272
20Mobility of youth workers2024Innovate for Impact: Empowering Youth Through Social Innovation and EntrepreneurshipMORE – Laboratório Colaborativo Montanhas de Investigação – AssociaçãoPT€32,682
22Mobility of youth workers2024Embrace Yourself to SuccessORAMACY€32,419
23Mobility of youth workers2024Beyond the SmileSTICHTING INTERNATIONAL YOUTH BRIDGESNL€31,404
24Mobility of youth workers2024Economic Inclusion Through Social EntrepreneurshipInternational Alliance for Integration and SustainabilityMT€57,597
25Mobility of youth workers2024Sustainable Economies for Greener EuropeFUNDACJA PLANET HEROESPL€57,466
26Mobility of young people2024Youth Starter – Don’t be scary to BE discoveryFundacja ANIMUS Centrum Edukacyjno-SzkoleniowePL€31,731
27Mobility of youth workers2024YOUth Move Forward FOR Stamping Out Marginalization!E10343112FR€30,520
28Mobility of youth workers2024Youth Work and Ecovillages for PeaceSUSTAINABLE IRELAND CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTDIE€40,014
29Mobility of young people2024Revitalizing Rural Communities through Youth InnovationSAGITTARIUSIT€38,919
30Mobility of youth workers2024Get ExperienceRichterNL€56,655
31Mobility of young people2024YOUTHS FOR GREENLove and Care for PeopleIE€38,586
32Mobility of young people2024Boosting inclusion and diversity in my everyday life- my digital contributionYouthProAktiv SpainES€37,838
33Mobility of youth workers2024Erasmus+ It 2Love and Care for PeopleIE€40,270
34Youth participation activities2024We Grow Together for Climate Education & Entrepreneurship 2024VEREIN INITIATIVE FUR TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP – UNTERNEHMERISCHE HALTUNGEN WECKEN, FORDERN, STARKENAT€59,439
35Mobility of youth workers2024“Unlocking Digital Proficiency: A Step-by-Step Course”Ankara Bilim ÜniversitesiTR€29,822
36Mobility of young people2024Timeless GamesCIVITAS ATHLETICA: CULTURE, EDUCATION AND SPORTEL€28,880
37Mobility of young people2024Hava Sahasının Yenilikçi DüşleriTürk Hava Akademisi Ögrenci TopluluguTR€38,884
38Mobility of youth workers2024SharitageFgura United F.C.MT€36,452
39Mobility of young people2024EmpowerED: From ideas to actionProjekta 360 LtdMT€32,800
40Mobility of young people2024Festiwal pomocy naszej planecie6-5 Hufiec Pracy działający przy Małopolskiej Wojewódzkiej Komendzie OHP w KrakowiePL€27,115
41Youth participation activities2024Shaping the Future: Engaging Youth for Pro-environmental BehaviorLernlabor gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)DE€59,829
42Mobility of youth workers2024Voices for Justice: Fostering Human Rights Among European YouthEast West East Germany e. V.DE€75,111
43Mobility of young people2024BE POSITIVE, BE STRONGTraku rajono veiklaus jaunimo asociacijaLT€33,378
44Mobility of young people2024Cultural Harmony Through Art: Integration of Ukrainian Refugees in European SocietiesTauragės jaunimo ir jaunimo organizacijų sąjunga “TAURAGĖS APSKRITASIS STALAS”LT€30,531
45Mobility of young people2024EngagedYOUTHEivydu kaimo bendruomene “Rukupis”LT€49,610
46Mobility of young people2024Supporting Integration of Ukrainian Refugees: The Human Library MethodPagėgių savivaldybės administracijaLT€34,102
47Mobility of young people2024Green Skills for TomorrowLabdaros ir paramos fondas “G vaiku pasaulis”LT€49,034
48Mobility of young people2024LANGUAGE HUB: WE ALL SMILE IN THE SAME LANGUAGE!Stichting Bright FutureNL€82,426
49Mobility of youth workers2024Erasmus+ Going Virtual – Online Methods for Youth WorkersFree European Youth e.VDE€40,610
50Mobility of youth workers2024Earth and Mind: Cultivating Mental Well-being through Environmental EngagementOpen Eyes Armenia gGmbHDE€47,362
51Mobility of youth workers2024Умения за младежка заетостAKADEMIYA NA USPEHABG€33,470
52Mobility of young people2024Diverse HorizonsProutist Universal MaltaMT€58,380
53Mobility of youth workers2024Youth Workers Go to TheatreEMINA Pályaorientációs AlapítványHU€62,883
54Mobility of young people2024Solar Energy Education for the Future GenerationGreenYOUnion e.V.DE€36,030
55Mobility of young people2024All diferent yet the sameECOCOMPARTIMOSES€50,460
56Mobility of young people2024Unity in Diversity: A Journey of Intercultural DiscoveryOpen Eyes Armenia gGmbHDE€56,330
57Mobility of young people2024Art of CommunicationGreen LivesBG€26,180
58Mobility of youth workers2024Inclusive Communication Workshop: Empowering Media and Youth Workers on LGBTI+ TopicsTRANSPARENT z.s.CZ€25,374
59Mobility of young people2024Seamless bordersTrinusLT€24,792
60Mobility of young people2024The power of young artists!Fundacja We are for UPL€56,653
61Mobility of young people2024Digital Literacy and Citizenship Youth Exchange ProgramNeuroN FoundationPL€57,155
62Mobility of youth workers2024Digital Empowerment for Inclusive Youth WorkMALTA RESCUE CORPS (formerly MALTA CADETS CORPS)MT€47,698
63Mobility of youth workers2024SEEDS – VOLUNTEERINGAsociación Cultural YOUROPÍAES€19,338
64Mobility of youth workers2024Posílení občanské společnosti udržitelně a spolu s mládežíNESEHNUTI BrnoCZ€33,222
65Mobility of youth workers2024SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MATTERS: from scratch to pitch (SCRATCH-PRO)Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIACY€47,542
66Mobility of youth workers2024ECOrasmus 360ºFUNDACIO CATALUNYA VOLUNTARIAES€24,729
67Mobility of youth workers2024Training course “Educate for Democracy”ASOCIACION NOVISI ELKARTEAES€29,560
68Mobility of youth workers2024Nice to meet me 2ASSOCIACIO GLOBERSES€22,666
69Mobility of youth workers2024Spotless MindsActive Youth EspañaES€27,343
71Mobility of youth workers2024El Bosque de Nuestro Interior: un viaje cultural en el trabajo juvenil inspirado en la sabiduría de la naturalezaAsociación Sociocultural Cervantear: Educación y CulturaES€35,633
72Mobility of young people2024Hike awayVevang velNO€19,372
74Mobility of young people2024Walls Down, Art Up!Organization for Promotion of European IssuesCY€32,305
75Mobility of youth workers2024CarepreneurORAMACY€32,629
76Mobility of young people2024Social Values and Equal Participation in SportsCULTURAL INTERACTIONCY€37,409
77Mobility of young people2024Green activists for climate friendlinessAsociatia UIETRO€42,033
78Mobility of youth workers2024MediaMind: Critical thinking in media literacy developmentActive Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIACY€47,569
79Mobility of young people2024The Secret to a Healthy
life is Sport!
Sports and Healthy Living CommunityIT€51,095
80Mobility of youth workers2024Stay in touch – community building in conflict timesStowarzyszenie Peace Ambassadors PolandPL€46,850
81Mobility of young people2024Unseen WorldAssociazione Parco Culturale Alta LangaIT€31,682
82Mobility of youth workers2024Empowering Voices: Equipping Youth in Media Creation for Social ChangeKaunas University of Technology Students UnionLT€32,381
83Mobility of young people2024I AM EVERYONE ELSE: Empowering Youth VoicesATELIER EUROPEOIT€24,021
84Mobility of young people2024Boost your impact!Asociación Cohope Elkartea para apoyar el emprendimiento y la consolidación de proyectos sociales vinculados a la despoblaciónES€34,078
85Mobility of young people2024Caminantes estelares – Educación al aire libre, astronomía e historias.Asociación Desaplatánate Por un Turismo Social y SostenibleES€32,812
86Mobility of young people2024The gatheringASSOCIACIO GLOBERSES€31,327
87Mobility of youth workers2024From Cave Walls to Digital ScreensAssociação Porta 37PT€50,190
88Mobility of young people2024ChatGPT for Youth Critical Thinking SkillsFUNDACJA NA RZECZ WSPIERANIA INNOWACJI SPOLECZNYCH IDEA LABPL€36,186
89Mobility of young people2024EMoY: European Mit(h)os of YouthMAD for EuropeES€46,712
90Mobility of young people2024Hidden Figures: Youth Voices in Media EqualityActive Youth EspañaES€38,739
91Mobility of young people2024“Stage of Change” – Forum Theater as a tool for self-expression and community developmentInternational VoldaNO€38,027
92Mobility of youth workers2024Art Your RightsFUCINA SALENTINA APSIT€42,340
93Mobility of youth workers2024Mundo CompasivoSavia Perenne Asociación CulturalES€33,753
94Mobility of young people2024Green GenerationYouth Without BarriersNL€31,710
95Mobility of youth workers2024TRAUMA INFORMED NON FORMAL EDUCATIONStowarzyszyszenie Rodzicow i Opiekunow Dzialajacych na Rzecz Dzieci Niepelnosprawnych w CzerskuPL€35,984
96Mobility of young people2024Art Myths CultureArte Diem CalabriaIT€39,155
97Mobility of youth workers2024Support Outdoor Solutions for the EnvironmentNoi@Europe ETSIT€47,137
98Mobility of youth workers2024Stereotypes, Role Models, and Social NormsORAMACY€27,332
99Mobility of young people2024Holistic Youth Empowerment: Building Resilience & Inclusion through Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit, and NatureMALTA RESCUE CORPS (formerly MALTA CADETS CORPS)MT€59,579
100Mobility of young people2024U.P.L.I.F.T. – “Uniting People with Love, Inclusion, and Fostering
101Mobility of young people2024Healthy Minds, Happy Lives!Organization for Promotion of European IssuesCY€33,365
102Mobility of young people2024Empowering Youth for Entrepreneurial SuccessFUNDACJA ROZWOJU SPOLECZENSTWA PRZEDSIEBIORCZEGOPL€33,420
103Mobility of young people2024Future LeadersAwesome You(th)IE€44,354
104Mobility of young people2024GreenPACT: Nurturing Sustainability in Every StrideSiggiewi Local CouncilMT€36,316
105Mobility of young people2024SkillAbleDGT PortugalPT€39,784
106Mobility of young people2024Świat na wyciągnięcie rękiSTOWARZYSZENIE KRAKOWSKICH INICJATYW LOKALNYCH LIDERÓWPL€39,925
107Mobility of young people2024WAR, CINEMA, ACTION!FuroraPL€54,812
108Mobility of youth workers2024Body and mind combined. Applied drama tools for youth workersFundacja Inkubator InnowacjiPL€22,513
109Mobility of young people2024REINTEGRATE: Fostering Integration Across NationsCopenhagen Youth NetworkDK€53,385
110Mobility of youth workers2024Room for PeacePlattform Generation EuropaAT€56,905
111Mobility of young people2024Civic Champions: Mobilizing Youth for ChangeAps Pro Loco PareteIT€32,540
112Mobility of young people2024Path of NatureSummit StoriesBE€36,584
113Mobility of youth workers2024I’M PROACTIVE – applied IMPROvisation for ACTIVE youth participationSTOWARZYSZENIE KRAKOWSKICH INICJATYW LOKALNYCH LIDERÓWPL€40,804
114Mobility of young people2024Zielona Europa dla młodych – kroki w kierunku zrównoważonego stylu życiaSTOWARZYSZENIE KRAKOWSKICH INICJATYW LOKALNYCH LIDERÓWPL€39,019
115Mobility of young people2024Incarner une société inclusive: expérimenter à travers nos corps, nos esprits et la vie collectiveSOLIDARITES JEUNESSES RESEAU D’ENTRAIDE VOLONTAIREFR€37,486
116Mobility of young people2024Log in – Log out: Healthy lifestyle through new technologiesSINDESMOS SISTIMA KAI GENIAEL€46,117
117Mobility of young people2024Women Who Don’t Look DownVenus Women’s Rights AssociationLV€39,942
118Mobility of young people2024Wild Kids for Accessible Outodoor Learning01 21 APSIT€41,938
119Mobility of young people2024Green RevivalCommunity of Natural LifeIT€46,174
120Mobility of young people2024Wyzwania młodych ludzi na rynku pracy w Unii EuropejskiejSTOWARZYSZENIE KRAKOWSKICH INICJATYW LOKALNYCH LIDERÓWPL€39,019
121Mobility of young people2024A journey of cultural discovery and personal growthLéo Lagrange Centre EstFR€34,100
122Mobility of young people2024Youth Lucefest – requalification through art and recycling 2Luce a San PietroIT€34,293
123Youth participation activities2024DREAMIE (Dynamique régionale d’engagement des ambassadeurs de la mobilité internationale et européenne)Parcours le Monde – Sud OuestFR€52,091
124Mobility of young people20244 steps for InclusionGrande ExperienceNO€106,535
125Mobility of young people2024Mind trip 2024KEUROPA RYFI€61,152
126Mobility of youth workers2024Basics of Youth Work: from theory to practiceBIR ODVIT€26,462
127Mobility of youth workers2024Tales We Tell, Bonds We Build – Storytelling in Youth WorkIdentitiesIT€27,493
128Mobility of youth workers2024Enhancing Youth Work with D.E.O.R PracticesHigh on LifeIT€39,052
129Mobility of youth workers2024The Next BeatOrigó Műhely Nonprofit KftHU€81,638
130Mobility of young people2024Threads of Change: Exploring Sustainable Alternatives to Fast FashionEast West East Germany e. V.DE€50,912
131Mobility of youth workers2024Environmental Protection in ActionComité de Liaison Diagonal FranceFR€30,917
132Mobility of young people2024EmpowerUPFundacja Ius et CivisPL€34,017
133Mobility of young people2024Connect, Critique, Create:Sport- und Kultur Verein “NEUER START”AT€29,959
134Mobility of young people2024Innovate Youth: Empowering creative voices in communitiesGrenzlandcamp Kinder-&Familienfreizeitzentrum Klaffer gem. GmbHAT€56,624
135Mobility of young people2024CommunicationFejlődő Fiatalok EgyesületeHU€34,888
136Mobility of youth workers2024Three TreasuresOrigó Műhely Nonprofit KftHU€48,606
137Mobility of young people2024Our green stageLandesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung (LKJ) Sachsen e.V.DE€25,898
138Mobility of young people2024Flavours of the WildEast West East Germany e. V.DE€66,491
139Mobility of youth workers2024GameOn! Transformative Training Through GamificationTerra Moveo ASBLBE€36,326
140Mobility of young people2024S.P.O.R.T: Strengthening Participation, Opportunities, Respect, and Tolerance through SportsBK-95LV€30,744
141Mobility of young people2024Break Free from the Social Media ChainsFI Gesundheits- und SportvereinAT€52,250
142Mobility of youth workers2024Summer School on Prefiguring Alternative FuturesAsociatia 16 TreesRO€40,477
143Mobility of young people2024Speaking Up Through PhotographyNodibinajums Apvienotai LatvijaiLV€41,348
144Mobility of young people2024Equality Across BordersMVideeNL€29,568
145Mobility of young people2024U ChangeONE WORLDcitizensNL€32,891
146Mobility of young people2024ThinkGreenStichting Do Great Things NetherlandsNL€54,630
147Mobility of youth workers2024Green Spaces as Learning Environments: Designing Outdoor Lesson Plans and Activities for Youth LearningAsociacia jazykovych skol Slovenskej republikySK€44,401
148Mobility of young people2024Consciousness Skillset To Foster Youth: Leading The Way Forward!IKIGAI Verein zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur und BildungAT€28,505
149Mobility of youth workers2024Narrative NavigatorsMuseumsverein KlostertalAT€65,173
150Mobility of young people2024ReThink Your Choice Vol.3Terra Moveo ASBLBE€50,912
151Mobility of youth workers2024Empower to InspireESI LABS!LV€63,452
152Mobility of youth workers2024Together 4 Peace: A Practical Training on Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding for Youth WorkersJongeren voor Uitwisseling en BegripNL€40,601
153Mobility of young people2024Defying Norms: Embracing Diversity and Self-Love in the Era of Social MediaStichting Center for Media and Dialogue opgerichtNL€33,785
154Mobility of youth workers2024Moutain to moveZavod za izobraževanje Ad astra LjubljanaSI€68,062
155Mobility of youth workers2024Inspire, Engage, and Initiate Change through ParticipationSONDIP – VARSINAIS-SUOMEN MONIKULTTUURISTEN YHDISTYSTEN LIITTO RYFI€65,890
156Mobility of youth workers2024Greening Conscious LivingAMITIES LUXEMBOURG – ARMENIE ASBLLU€46,581
157Mobility of youth workers2024Outdoor Soul: Nurturing mind through natureSTICHTING LEARNING BY OUTDOOR AND EXPERIENCENL€44,794
158Mobility of young people2024Bonding TogetherPiliens okeānāLV€28,510
159Mobility of young people2024Volunteering for ChangeNuoriso- ja luontomatkailukeskus Inari OyFI€67,668
160Mobility of young people2024CommuniKeyPlanet27EE€26,248
161Mobility of youth workers2024Wilderness WondersSTICHTING LEARNING BY OUTDOOR AND EXPERIENCENL€38,523
162Mobility of young people2024Climate CraftersDokano vzwBE€43,982